The new gold

When I walk in a grocery store these days, I am always chocked by the price of unprocessed food.
Twelve years ago, I started paying attention to the quality of food I was feeding my family.  My grocery bill was nowhere what it is now.

Then I wanted to be more independent and experienced with growing my own food however, I was facing a big issue: I was throwing out lots of food that I couldn’t use and charity organizations are too strict regarding home grown produces you can donate I had no time to spend in trying to sell.  Canning is not option either.  The USDA recommends eating your feed within a year but in a year, I will still have  another round of the same food!  And honestly, I don’t want to be the one testing the food after a couple years.

Lyophilization is the only way to store your food for as long as 25 years.  I have my own dry-freeze machine but my best investment involved a queen and a big wooden box.

Honey bees!

I know I know, you can’t survive on honey alone. However, it’s a great investment.

-Honey has no expiration date (archeologists have found edible honey in Egyptian tombs).

-Honey can be eaten but you can also make mead, skin and hair product, cough syrup etc.

Look at the price of honey overtime!


Honey is my new gold.  It truly is.  If I am nice enough to share a jar of honey with you, you can be sure my present’s value will grow overtime. A honey cellar maybe?

Now, let’s talk about the insects:

“In fact, about one-third of the U.S. diet is derived from insect-pollinated plants and honey bees are responsible for an impressive 80 percent of that process.” – The National Honey Board

Bees are so important. I learned it the hard way. When I started my vegetable garden, I didn’t have any bees ( and I believe they were absent from my location). I had to manually transfer pollen from one flower to the other to get something to grow (especially squashes).

Most local governments would allow you to keep a hive on your property. You can even get a tax break if you decide to be a little more serious.

Honey bees are not aggressive. They die if they sting. Unless you are allergic, you shouldn’t be concerned.
Embrace that information. If everyone reading this article run and purchase a hive, the honey value would decrease but I certainly know this won’t happen! You have to be a little strange to raise honey bees.


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